Seattle: Dorothy S. O’Brien Center
*Open to young adults supporting someone with cancer
Facilitated by Courtney Zier, MA, LMHCA
1st Saturdays; 11:00am-1:00pm

These groups are offered by Cancer Lifeline and open to anyone caring for someone with a cancer diagnosis at no cost to you. Join with others who understand the ups and the downs of caregiving to share ideas, resources and challenges. Through presentations and discussions get the support you need. 

For more information about the services offered by Cancer Lifeline and to view the other support groups offered, click here.

Presentations and Workshops


I offer presentations and workshops on Caregiving and Survivorship. I have been fortunate to both facilitate support groups and give presentations for The Seattle Cancer Care Alliance (SCCA) and Cancer Lifeline. These events are held at the SCCA, Evergreen Medical Center, Valley Medical Center, Overlake Hospital, and NW Hospital and Medical Center.